Friday, May 30, 2008

Broadcast Video On the Web with Your Phone, Live!

Although many of these sites are still on beta, well even alpha for that matter, these sites are showing promising things to come.

These sites offer live video broadcast or live video streaming from your phone to the net...





Will these be the next big thing? This is one definite use for unlimited 3G data plan, and if you happen to have one, you just might want to try this, just try to be decent though... ;D

Are you asking what good is this? Well, look at it this way, its like YouTube, but this time it is LIVE, and the world is your audience, and you can broadcast wherever you are and at any time, as long as your mobile has the right connection and of course if it has power.


Unknown said...

Thanks for mentioning Kyte in your post! If you ever would like to speak with Kyte or interested in trying it out, feel free to contact me at

Francis W said...

Apppreciate you blogging this